Overall, it certainly compared well with other resources. Comments included:

The best leaflet that I am aware of on smoking cessation and young people.
(Health Promotion Adviser)

The only resource I would consider using with young people. (Youth

It is much better than any of the others. (Teacher)

There are some dreadful leaflets around, but I Quit! is an excellent
resource. (Teacher, Head of PSHE)

Mediators found it quite difficult to draw conclusions about the booklet's
effectiveness, partly because none had themselves carried out any evaluation, and
also because of the difficulty of assessing the impact of any particular element in
the wider cessation process. Comments included:

Although we have no firm evidence to indicate that it leads to cessation, it
is good for raising the issue.

We can't really tell how effective it is, but it is seen as useful.

We can only judge by the fact that people (i.e. school nurses, practice
nurses) like it and come back for more.

It is well liked by young people and they are keen to take one away with
them. I don't know how effective it is in helping them to stop - we haven't
measured that.

It's a useful component of an overall strategy when used by a support
worker. It's useful to work through it page by page in a group situation.

This is good for raising awareness and helping them to understand
smoking in a broader social context. Just making them think at this age
counts as success. Anything that helps you do that is a valuable resource.